The perfect unusual personalised gift for someone who needs to know how much you appreciate them.
A special, beautiful way to give. Weather it is just you or a group of people you can create a memorable gift that well delight the recipient.
From colleges leaving work, your other half, best friend or even someone who is going through bereavement this gift well cheer them with a smile and maybe even create happy tears.
We at BEEcycle aim to make sure that what you give from us is unique, special and all about you. Whatever you decide to do with this jar we know that you can turn it into something amazing through your thoughtfulness.
Various colours and designs available
*Please note we will print exactly what you give us. If you would like "Love *name* xxx" please write this as it is.
made from:
Glass Jar
Tin Lid
Origami papers approx. 36 pieces of 8 different colours.
A kraft box (Jar is packaged in)
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