A complete set to grow your very own personalised beans. As they grow your messages enlarge and grow with them!
Easy and fast to grow, personalised, living and eco friendly these little beans tick a lot of boxes. Each bean is engraved with a smiley face on the reverse side so both sides are fun to watch grow!
To grow your seeds, simply expand the 3 soil pellets in the jar by filling it with water, drain the water out after 10 minutes and take the wrapping off the expanded soil. Place the soil back into the jar, plant your beans near the top and cover with 1cm of soil.
As simple as that, they well only need watering every 2-3 days and well be emerging out of the soil in 10 days!!
A fantastic present for all ages, even the inexperienced gardener can easily grow these beans. Just remember these seeds need to be planted like normal bean seeds. As with any natural seed, they will need stable warmth, light and watering for germination.
At BEEcycle we thrive on making some of the more unusual and trendy gifts that impact the recipient greatly. Not only that, our aim is to help save the planet by making plants the perfect gift worldwide. Plants are our passion; we want to help people discover how amazing they are.
Personalise 5 beans with whatever you like (we cannot engrave images only text) (If more than 5 names/words are provided only the first 5 will be used unless discussed with us previously.
If less than 5 are provided the remaining beans will be left blank.)
Made from:
Bean type: Canavalia ensiformis, known as common Jack Bean.
Glass Jar
Tin Lid
Three Soil Pellets
Paper Instructions
Crafy Card Box
Tissue Paper
Pack size: 5 x 13 cm
Soil pellets comes in pack of 3 (When expanded will be enough to germinate 5 beans
Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.
Disclaimer: We set to provide the highest quality of seeds. However, due to the varying nature of the conditions that the plant seeds are stored and grown in, BEEcycle Ltd can not accept any liability in relation to the non performance of the seeds
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